Results and ratings: 02.11.2024 Saturday Online 021124
following mz051024 on 20241005
5 games
1 4 +483 Dianne Davis E1465 +1 1466
2 4 +222 Chris Scholten E1406 +8 1414
3 4 +28 Jayanthi Viswanathan E1164 +29 1193
4 3 +26 Paula Messer E1080 +12 1092
5 2 +62 Lynne Goodinson E1079 -20 1059
6 2 -66 Angie Winkler E 943 +3 946
7 2 -148 Annette Casey E 972 +0 972
8 2 -160 Bill Doherty E1069 -18 1051
9 1 -146 Ann Goodwin E 862 -13 849
10 1 -301 Helen Scholten E 687 -2 685
High game: Dianne Davis 545
Scrabble Victoria Online Ratings
Latest Event: Saturday Online November 2
Players appear on our official ratings list if they are current Scrabble Victoria members (or equivalent State Association) and have played an online event within the last 12 months.
Players who do not meet these criteria, and have played our online events previously, still have ratings maintained but will appear on this list once they play another online event and their membership is current.
First time participants in our online events will either get a provisional rating (if they have never played any officially rated events previously) or, if they have played an in-person event previously, will have an initial online rating derived from their in-person official rating.