CSW twos
Two letter words
- AA
- n volcanic rock with a rough jagged surface
→ -S
- AB
- n an abdominal muscle → ABS
- AD
- n (colloquial) an advertisement →
- AE
- adj (Scots) one, also YAE
- AG
- n (short for) agriculture → S
- AH
- interj an interjection expressing surprise,
joy etc.
- v to say ah → -ED, -ING, -S
- AI
- n a three-toed sloth → -S
- AL
- n (Hindi) the Indian mulberry tree also
AAL → -S
- AM
- v 1st person sing of BE, to exist
- AN
- adj the indefinite article
- n a dialect form of if, an additional
consideration, as in ifs and ans → -S
- AR
- n the letter R → -S
- AS
- adv to that extent
- n a Norse god living in Asgard →
- n a gravel ridge or kame →
- n a Roman coin → ASSES
- AT
- prep denoting position
- v to respond to, challenge
someone’s opinion → ATTING, ATTED, ATS
- AW
- interj an interjection used to express
disgust, sympathy
- AX
- n a cutting tool → -ES
- v (US) to chop with an ax, also AXE
→ -ED, -ING, -ES
- AY
- n an affirmative vote, also AYE
→ -S
- BA
- n the soul, in ancient Egyptian religion
→ -S
- BE
- v to exist → IS, ARE, BEING, WAS,
(obsolete) WAST, (obsolete) WERT, WERE, BEEN, (obsolete)
- BI
- n (short for) a bisexual → -S
- BO
- n a pal, a buddy → -S
- BY
- prep at the side of
- n a pass to the next round (of a competition,
etc.), also BYE → -S
- CH
- pron a dialect form of I, also
- DA
- n (Burmese) a heavy Burmese knife, also
DAH → -S
- DE
- prep from (as used in names)
- DI
- n pl of DEUS, (Latin) god
- DO
- v to perform → DID or DIDST, DONE or
DOEN, DOING, present sing 2d person DO, DOEST or DOST, 3d
person DOES, DOETH or DOTH
- n a party, celebration → -S
- EA
- n (dialect) a river → -S
- ED
- n (short for) education → -S
- EE
- n (Scots) an eye → EEN
- EF
- n the letter F → -S
- EH
- interj expressing enquiry
- v to say 'Eh' → -ED, -ING, -S
- EL
- n (US) an elevated railroad →
- EM
- n a unit of measurement in printing →
- EN
- n a unit of measurement in printing, half the
width of an em → -S
- ER
- interj used to express hesitation
- ES
- n the letter S, also ESS →
- ET
- v same as ATE, the pa t of EAT, to consume
- EW
- interj an interjection used to express
disgust, also EEEW, EEW, EWW
- EX
- v to cross out → -ED, -ING,
- FA
- n a musical note, also FAH →
- FE
- n (Hebrew) a Hebrew letter, also FEH, PE,
PEH → -S
- FY
- interj expressing disapproval, also
- GI
- n (Japanese) a loose-fitting white suit worn
in judo, karate, and other martial arts →
- GO
- v to move along → GONE, GOING,
- n a Japanese board game →-S
- GU
- n (Old Norse) an old Shetland viol, also
- HA
- interj expressing surprise
- HE
- pron male third person
- n a male person or animal → -S
- HI
- interj an interjection used as a greeting
- HM
- interj an interjection expressing thoughtful
consideration, also HMM, HMMM
- HO
- interj to attract attention
- n a whore → -S
- v to stop → -ED, -ING, -S
- ID
- n a fish of the carp family, aka silver orfe,
also IDE → -S
- IF
- conj on condition that
- n a condition → -S
- IN
- prep located within
- v to take in e.g. harvest → INNED,
- IO
- n a cry of joy → -S
- IS
- v 3rd person singular of BE, to exist
- IT
- pron the neuter of he, she, him or her
- n sex appeal →-S
- JA
- interj (German) yes
- JO
- n (Scots) a Scottish sweetheart, also
- KA
- v to serve, also KAE → -ED,
-ING, -S
- KI
- n (Japanese) the spirit of martial art →
- KO
- n (Maori) a Maori digging-stick →
- KY
- n cattle, also KYE
- LA
- n the sixth tone of the diatonic scale,
also LAH → -S
- LI
- n (Chinese) a Chinese unit of distance →
- LO
- interj (archaic) an interjection meaning see,
- MA
- n (colloquial) mother → -S
- ME
- pron myself
- n the third note of the musical scale,
also MI → -S
- MI
- n the third note of the musical scale,
also ME → -S
- MM
- interj an interjection expressing agreement or
enjoyment, also MMM
- MO
- n a moment → -S
- MU
- n (Greek) a letter of the Greek alphabet
→ -S
- MY
- adj belonging to ME
- NA
- adv (Scots) no, not at all
- NE
- adv not (conj); nor
- NO
- adv not so
- n a negative reply or vote → NOS or
- NU
- n (Greek) a Greek letter → -S
- NY
- v to approach, also NIE, NIGH, NYE
- OB
- n (short for) an objection →
- OD
- n a hypothetical force supposed to account for
magnetism etc. → -S, ODIC
- OE
- n (Scots) a grandchild, also OY, OYE
→ -S
- OF
- prep belonging to
- OH
- interj an exclamation of surprise or
- v to exclaim OH → -ED, -ING,
- OI
- interj calling for attention
- n a New Zealand bird, the grey-faced petrel
→ -S
- OK
- interj expressing assent
- OM
- n an intoned Hindu sacred sound →
- ON
- prep many meanings, eg towards
- v to go on → ONNED, ONNING,
- OO
- n (Scots) wool → -S
- OP
- n (short for) an operation →
- OR
- conj linking alternatives
- n the heraldic tincture gold →
- OS
- n (Latin) a bone → OSSA
- n a mouthlike opening → ORA
- n an esker →OSAR
- OU
- n (South African) a man, a bloke → OUS or
- OW
- interj an interjection expressing pain
- OX
- n a hoofed mammal → OXEN
- n a clumsy person → OXES
- OY
- n (Scots) a grandchild, also OE, OYE
→ -S
- PA
- n a childish word for father →
- PE
- n (Hebrew) a Hebrew letter, also FE, FEH,
PEH → -S
- PI
- n the sixteenth letter of the Greek alphabet
- v to mix type indiscriminately → PIED,
- PO
- n (short for) chamberpot → -S
- QI
- n (Chinese) a life force, also KI
→ -S
- RE
- n the second note of the diatonic scale
also ray → -S
- SH
- interj an interjection requesting silence,
- SI
- n an earlier form of ti, a musical note →
- SO
- adv to such an extent
- n the fifth tone of the scale, also SOH,
SOL → -S
- ST
- interj hush
- TA
- n an expression meaning thank you →
- TE
- n the seventh tone of the diatonic musical
scale → -S
- TI
- n the seventh tone of the diatonic musical
scale → -S
- TO
- prep in the direction of
- v part of the phrase to and fro →
TOING and froing
- UG
- v to arouse loathing in → UGGED, UGGING,
- UH
- interj used to express hesitation
- UM
- interj used to express hesitation
- v to express doubt or hesitation, also
- UN
- n (dialect) a spelling of 'one' →
- UP
- adv to a higher place
- v to raise → UPPED, UPPING,
- UR
- interj expressing hesitation
- US
- pron WE in the object form
- UT
- n old name for the musical note DOH →
- WE
- pron I and others
- WO
- n (archaic) woe, also WAE →
- XI
- n (Greek) the fourteenth letter of the Greek
alphabet → -S
- XU
- n the currency of Vietnam, also SAU
→ XU
- YA
- n an Asian pear → -S
- YE
- pron (archaic) you
- YO
- interj an expression of calling for
- YU
- n (Chinese) a precious jade →
- ZA
- n (slang) pizza → -S
- ZE
- pron used as a gender-neutral third person
singular subjective pronoun
- ZO
- n (Tibetan) a cross between a yak and a cow,
also DSO, DZHO, DZO, ZHO → -S