Scrabble Australia
The Scrabble Australia Group forum has been established primarily for the benefit of Scrabble players within Australia. The list has been established to be a forum for discussion only and is not intended to be an official medium for raising issues with CASPA.
To join this group, go to If you have any issues with adding or joining, please contact Nick Ivanovski at (please include Scrabble Australia enquiry in the subject heading).
You need to have a Google account, but not a child account. You do not need to have a Gmail address. You can elect to receive emails from the Scrabble Australia list as each email, digest, abridged or no email. With no email you can look at all the posts at the web site for Scrabble Australia Google Group
This forum provides the opportunity to stimulate discussion and disseminate information about Scrabble in Australia. Subscribers to this Group will be the first to find out results of Scrabble tournaments all around the country.
Any group member is invited to participate, whether or not they are involved in clubs, tournaments or interactive play.
Participation is done via E-Mail or by setting up a “New Conversation” from the Scrabble Australia Google Group website.
To ensure the group discussion is inclusive, there are a few protocols that list subscribers are asked to abide by. These are:
- No attachments
- No disparaging remarks and personal attacks towards fellow players
- Assign state prefix if posting something of relevance to only one State
- Restrict lists of tournament entries to a maximum of three
- Replies to private, off-list emails should not be sent or forwarded to the list
In addition, subscribers are requested to abide by the usual rules for online good behaviour. Here is a relevant summary drawn from the 10 Core Rules of Netiquette by Virginia Shea:
- Remember the Human
- Adhere to the same standards of behaviour online that you follow in real life
- Know where you are in cyberspace
- Respect other people's time and bandwidth
- Make yourself look good online
- Share expert knowledge
- Help keep flame wars under control
- Respect other people's privacy
- Don't abuse your power
- Be forgiving of other people's mistakes
Facebook groups
There are a number of Scrabble discussion groups within Facebook if you want to follow international Scrabble networks. These are the three main groups for those interested in this area.
- Scrabble Snippetz Facebook group
- This is a Scrabble page for anyone who plays Scrabble,to post anything that is of interest to them and/or to other Scrabblers! It may be just a great word you played,or an anecdote about a game or a Scrabble situation... It is also a chance to pass on messages to and on behalf of, other Scrabblers,who may be away or indisposed at any one time. Please also feel free to promote your Scrabble related events on here
- WESPA – World Scrabble Facebook group
- Welcome to the official Facebook group for WESPA. We welcome ALL on-topic queries about Scrabble, whether previously tackled or not and we only ask that you keep discussions/comments away from anything that may be part of any legal dispute or are personal slurs. As always, spam is unwelcome and will result in a minimum of post deletion and go up to blocking in group.
- Scrabble International Facebook group
- This group is for discussion of all things Scrabble, and all things related to Tablet Scrabble