Checklist for Tournament Organisers

Name of Tournament:
Tournament Organiser:

TaskPerson Responsible for TaskResponsible Person's Phone No
Well before event decide date, format, prize-money, entry feeCommitteeNot applicable
Arrange venue and Tournament DirectorTournament Organiser
Seek approval for rating from Scrabble NSW Committee
Prepare tournament flyer
Ensure tournament details are included on Scrabble NSW website
Prepare tournament budgetTournament Organiser/Treasurer
Appoint Rules Advisor (if not TD)
Organise Computer Operator
Purchase trophies
Print ratings listings for display on day
Prepare certificates
Check stocks of score sheets, sets etc
Ensure all Scrabble sets & consumables arrive at tournament
Ensure all Computer Equipment & software arrives at tournament
Ensure all reference publications & rules sheets arrive at tournament
Supervise all aspects of catering
Organise raffle & lucky door prizes
Conceive novelty prizes
Receive entries & set-up draws
On day, supervise distribution of sets, table numbers, score sheets & tile check sheet
Set up computers
Manage refreshment area
Collect entry fee
Insert payments and prizemoney into envelopes
[check same if task delegated]
Display latest ratings and rules on wall
Ensure playing area is kept tidy
Instruct novices on tournament protocol
Co-ordinate any lunches and meals during play
Prepare tournament expense/income reportTournament Organiser/Treasurer
Fill in certificates with names
Present trophies & awards
Delegate appropriate person to write report for email list
Ensure final *.tou file is obtained from TD/Computer Operator on USB stick
Arrange for results to be published on national email list
Ensure final *.tou file is forwarded to National Ratings Officer for processing