Scrabble New South Wales
Guide for Preparing Tournament Flyers
In order that intending players know in advance the format of the tournament they are attending, the following is the minimum information for inclusion on the Tournament Flyer:
- Day and date
- Venue address
- Check in times and tournament start time
- Number of divisions
- Number of games and lengths of games
- Whether and when Restarts or King of Hill Rounds apply
- Nature of prizes (ie cash, trophy or other)
- Entry fee
- Lunch arrangements
- Contact name and number
- Closing date for entries
The following information is considered optional:
- Name of Tournament Director
- Telephone number of venue
- Accommodation arrangements
- Post-tournament activities
The following tournament conditions are standard for all ASPA (NSW) tournaments:
- No smoking in the playing area
- Clocks not compulsory if attending 1st, 2nd or 3rd tournament
- Winner of the game to take score sheets to Computer Operator
- Maintain a courteous attitude towards your opponent at all times
- National Rules with ASPA (NSW) variations to apply
- Reference is Collins Scrabble Words