NSW Spring Marathon - 19th October 2003

Report from organiser, John Holgate

Fifty one players gathered in the Waratah Room of the Revesby Workers Club last Sunday. The Gremlins were also there and proceeded to wreak havoc on the computer equipment and software. One laptop died and the printer had a hissy fit which delayed proceedings for half an hour. Worse was to come after Game 9 when an inadvertent keystroke added a 53rd player (who refused to be deleted) to the draw sending the Swiss program into chaos spitting out little hearts and clubs.

Nevertheless some good Scrabble was played and Rod Talbot won in a canter winning 10/11 from Tony Hunt, Ivor Zetler and Kris Logan on 8/3.

High word score went to Ann Fiddler for MASQUES (135) and high game to Moana Nepia for 527.

In the first two rounds two games started by missing the central pink square altogether which created an adjudication headache (both were against Jean McGiffen!).


Some good legitimate finds were MEDCINAL BERGANA (Talbot) SCABIOUS (Tuckett)DUPONDII YTTRIOUS (Hunt) CREWMAN (Barker) and WICKENS (Gauci).

My thanks to Jackson Schuberg and Veena Mohe who did an excellent support job under difficult conditions, to Ann Fiddler for her invaluable help and to Joy Morris and Daphne Bezuidenhout for their good work at the reception desk.

Hopefully we can resurrect the ratings in the next few days.

Results after game 11

Rank  Player            Wins Mar
  1   Rod Talbot          10     1142
  2   Tony Hunt            8      701
  3   Ivor Zetler          8      508
  4   John Barker          8      474
  5   Kris Logan           7      433
  6   Jean Noonan          7      416
  7   Moana Nepia          7      395
  8   Betty Foreman        7      257
  9   Mal Ramsdale         7      213
 10   Gordon Meggs         7       89
 11   Fay Van Oyen         7      -26
 12   Liz Jackman          7      -90
 13   Sue Gergelifi        6.5    342
 14   Jean McGiffen        6      330
 15   Sheryl Davidson      6      326
 16   Louise Kobler        6      293
 17   Ram Mohe             6      284
 18   Cristine Small       6      160
 19   Judy Hay             6       83
 20   Daphne Bezuidenhout  6       16
 21   Tony Kalayzich       6        1
 22   Norma Tracey         6       -2
 23   Pat Schuberg         6      -25
 24   Stacey Judd          6      -52
 25   Cheryl Michler       6      -57
 26   Dolores Barbon       6      -78
 27   Jan Serisier         5.5    168
 28   Alan Gauci           5      191
 29   Ann Fiddler          5       62
 30   Nanette Reynolds     5      -50
 31   Jayanthi Viswanathan 5      -58
 32   Margaret Andrews     5      -65
 33   Greg Pinchbeck       5      -86
 34   Nonie English        5      -95
 35   Mark Smith           5     -137
 36   Hari Nanayakkara     5     -173
 37   Ian Close            5     -206
 38   Maree Heynen         5     -371
 39   Sue Tuckett          5     -397
 40   Ngaire Beehag        5     -505
 41   Sheila Sree Kumar    4       74
 42   Margaret Coulter     4      -66
 43   Pam Bennett          4     -101
 44   Karmel Patterson     4     -224
 45   Tresham Rendell      4     -474
 46   Ivana Duria          4     -529
 47   David More           3     -183
 48   Joy Morris           3     -255
 49   Glenn Holmes         3     -327
 50   Silvana Newman       3     -481
 51   Diana Field          2    -1295
 52   A Bye                0     -550
HIGH GAME: Moana Nepia       527

Stats for Tournament : NSW SPRING MARATHON

| state     Name           | National  | State   |   Wins    | Rating Points |
|                          | Old  New  | Old New | Exp  Act  | Old Change New|
+Section: *OPEN                        +         +           +               +
| NSW Rod Talbot           |   10    9 |   5   5 |  9.5 10.0 | 1786 +11 1797 |
| NSW Tony Hunt            |   36   40 |  11  11 |  8.7  8.0 | 1622 -14 1608 |
| NSW John Barker          |   77   56 |  20  16 |  6.4  8.0 | 1517 +34 1551 |
| NSW Kris Logan           |   93   86 |  27  24 |  7.6  8.0 | 1486 +10 1496 |
| NSW Ivor Zetler          |   32   38 |  10  10 |  8.8  8.0 | 1627 -14 1613 |
| NSW Moana Nepia          |  110   82 |  30  21 |  5.4  7.0 | 1468 +35 1503 |
| NSW Jean McGiffen        |   42   53 |  12  15 |  9.3  7.0 | 1600 -45 1555 |
| NSW Betty Foreman        |  160  162 |  43  43 |  7.2  7.0 | 1398  -3 1395 |
| NSW Jean Noonan          |  161  136 |  44  37 |  5.4  7.0 | 1398 +32 1430 |
| NSW Gordon Meggs         |  292  293 |  76  77 |  7.1  7.0 | 1202  +2 1204 |
| NSW Mal Ramsdale         |  557  428 | 136 101 |  3.6  7.0 |  910 +132
1042 |
| NSW Liz Jackman          |  293  240 |  77  60 |  3.3  7.0 | 1200 +85 1285 |
| NSW Fay Van Oyen         |  385  356 |  94  88 |  5.9  7.0 | 1082 +25 1107 |
| NSW Sue Gergelifi        |   79   93 |  21  27 |  8.0  6.5 | 1515 -29 1486 |
| QLD Sheryl Davidson      |   58   79 |   7   7 |  7.9  6.0 | 1547 -39 1508 |
| NSW Louise Kobler        |  250  239 |  63  59 |  5.5  6.0 | 1275 +14 1289 |
| NSW Cristine Small       |  108  128 |  29  36 |  7.5  6.0 | 1470 -28 1442 |
| NSW Ram Mohe             |  267  260 |  68  65 |  5.3  6.0 | 1246 +16 1262 |
| NSW Pat Schuberg         |  128  166 |  37  44 |  8.7  6.0 | 1443 -51 1392 |
| NSW Judy Hay             |  300  304 |  79  81 |  6.1  6.0 | 1185  -3 1182 |
| NSW Cheryl Michler       |  231  203 |  58  54 |  4.5  6.0 | 1298 +31 1329 |
| NSW Dolores Barbon       |  397  380 |  97  93 |  5.5  6.0 | 1075 +10 1085 |
| NSW Tony Kalayzich       |  504  479 | 121 118 |  4.2  6.0 |  961 +35  996 |
| NSW Norma Tracey         |   62   81 |  17  20 |  7.5  6.0 | 1533 -29 1504 |
| NSW Daphne Bezuidenhout  |  304  281 |  81  72 |  3.6  6.0 | 1182 +47 1229 |
| NSW Stacey Judd          |  896  644 | 231 160 |  1.5  6.0 |  650 +190
840 |
| NSW Jan Serisier         |   83  110 |  22  30 |  7.4  5.5 | 1505 -39 1466 |
| NSW Ann Fiddler          |  269  283 |  69  73 |  5.8  5.0 | 1241 -16 1225 |
| NSW Greg Pinchbeck       |  345  359 |  86  89 |  6.2  5.0 | 1129 -25 1104 |
| NSW Margaret Andrews     |  363  396 |  91  97 |  6.3  5.0 | 1100 -25 1075 |
| NSW Nanette Reynolds     |  440  448 | 105 106 |  5.7  5.0 | 1033  -9 1024 |
| NSW Alan Gauci           |  407  409 | 100  99 |  5.3  5.0 | 1065  -5 1060 |
| NSW Hari Nanayakkara     |  260  298 |  65  79 |  8.7  5.0 | 1261 -68 1193 |
| NSW Nonie English        |  346  390 |  87  94 |  7.7  5.0 | 1128 -51 1077 |
| NSW Mark Smith           |  649  628 | 160 156 |  4.4  5.0 |  836 +12  848 |
| NSW Jayanthi Viswanathan |  749  650 | 193 162 |  2.6  5.0 |  753 +85  838 |
| NSW Ian Close            |  248  273 |  62  71 |  7.5  5.0 | 1279 -45 1234 |
| NSW Sue Tuckett          |  398  372 |  98  91 |  4.4  5.0 | 1074 +16 1090 |
| NSW Ngaire Beehag        |  455  462 | 110 112 |  5.2  5.0 | 1017  -4 1013 |
| NSW Maree Heynen         |  737  716 | 188 183 |  4.3  5.0 |  766 +18  784 |
| NSW Tresham Rendel       | 1040  935 | 282 247 |  2.6  5.0 |  541 +84  625 |
| NSW Sheela Sreekumar     |  375  450 |  92 107 |  6.3  4.0 | 1089 -65 1024 |
| NSW Margaret Coulter     |  769  732 | 198 189 |  2.3  4.0 |  741 +35  776 |
| NSW Pam Bennett          |  537  524 | 129 126 |  3.4  4.0 |  928 +12  940 |
| NSW Karmel Patterson     |  825  820 | 209 210 |  3.7  4.0 |  701  +6  707 |
| NSW Ivana Duria          |  529  557 | 128 136 |  5.3  4.0 |  932 -23  909 |
|*NSW David More           |    0  612 |   0 153 |  3.0  3.0 |  861      861 |
| NSW Glenn Holmes         |  606  686 | 152 177 |  5.0  3.0 |  865 -58  807 |
| NSW Joy Morris           |  931  942 | 245 250 |  3.3  3.0 |  628  -6  622 |
| NSW Silvana Newman       |  910  907 | 235 234 |  2.9  3.0 |  643  +1  644 |
| NSW Diana Field          | 1089 1208 | 303 348 |  2.5  2.0 |  504  -9  495 |
| --- A Bye                | 1209 1210 |   2   2 |  0.2  0.0 |   -7  -2   -9 |