Balmain Club Tournament - March 9th 2003

Report from from Balmain Club president Hanne Marks

Once again we met upstairs in the Balmain Leagues Club, with players from as far afield as the Central Coast, Exeter and Fishermans Paradise and from as close to home as East Balmain and Birchgrove: nevertheless, we were not as many this year as last year  but we started pretty well on time, and, once again, Wilma, with her usual verve and efficiency, and with Tim's untiring assistance at the looking-up machine, took us through our paces. As has become a tradition, we played eight forty-minute games, and everyone survived the ordeal more or less intact, including our exhausted novice, Vanessa Chan, who had to cope for the first time ever without a computer automatically adding her scores, and consequently was suffering from a form of culture shock&.

In Recreation, Sharon Sorenson was the only player to win seven games, an outright win, in consequence whereof her ratings improved by a creditable 29 points.

In Intermediate, Jean Balmer was the only player to win seven games: she has already "blown" her winnings on a new Chambers Dictionary &way to go! 57 rating points as well & how sweet it is!

In Advanced, four players won six games, but Moana Nepia had the biggest margin and came first.

And in Masters, in a very tough field, only Joanne Craig won seven games, and earned herself another 53 rating points as well &. loud cheers!

Suffice it to point out, in case you hadn't noticed, that women came 1st, 3rd and 4th in Recreation, 1st and 3rd in Intermediate, 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th in Advanced and 1st and 2nd in Masters & is this a record, I wonder? Loud approbation, Ladies, and to the Gentlemen who filled in the spaces as well.

Congratulations to Chris May for his High(est) Game Score of 591, and to Jean Noonan, for her 140 for DECREASED, the High(est) Word Score of the day.

It was the whole-hearted collaboration of the Members of the Balmain Union of Good Scrabblers that made the day so successful. Thank you especially, however, Jenny Templeton, for liaising with Balmain Leagues in the first place and for organising and running the raffle; Margaret Andrews, for dealing with the finances at all levels and unswervingly supporting the confused President at all times; Greg Nicol, for your calligraphic contributions on walls and certificates, and Ian Close for helping to collect entry fees and organising the nametags  and last but not least, for the Bottle of Baileys!

Results after game  8

Rank Player            Wins     Mar
  1 Joanne Craig         7     273
  2 Joan Rosenthal       6     518
  3 John Holgate         6     388
  4 Bob Jackman          5     532
  5 Esther Perrins       4     214
  6 Chris May            4     148
  7 Rod Talbot           4      72
  8 Peter Shaw           4      45
  9 Alison Pollard       4      34
 10 Jean McGiffen        4     -10
 11 Ivor Zetler          4    -107
 12 Hanne Marks          4    -120
 13 Penny Wells          4    -208
 14 Tony Hunt            4    -257
 15 John Barker          3    -320
 16 Jan Serisier         2    -300
 17 Sue Gergelifi        2    -499
 18 Norma Tracey         1    -403
HIGH GAME: Chris May         591
HIGH WORD: Penny Wells       103

 Results after game  8

Rank Player            Wins     Mar
  1 Moana Nepia          6     499
  2 Betty Foreman        6     342
  3 Audrey Newman        6     251
  4 Jenny Templeton      6     115
  5 Jean Noonan          5     306
  6 Ian Close            5     189
  7 Donna MacDonald      5    -183
  8 Betty Coleman        4     260
  9 Pat Schuberg         4     167
 10 Judy Hay             4     -65
 11 Victor Tung          4    -180
 12 Judy McGuinness      4    -306
 13 Ram Mohe             3     164
 14 Cheryl Michler       3     112
 15 Liz Jackman          3     -73
 16 Elizabeth Ho         3    -204
 17 Raya Wilkinson       3    -465
 18 Margaret Andrews     2    -138
 19 Richard Birch        2    -256
 20 Gary Pollard         2    -535
HIGH GAME: Jean Noonan       576
HIGH WORD: Jean Noonan           140

 Results after game  8

Rank Player            Wins     Mar
  1 Jean Balmer          7     366
  2 Rex Shakespeare      6     239
  3 Colleen Howie        6     146
  4 Peggy Womersley      5     212
  5 Gordon Meggs         5     192
  6 Nonie English        5      48
  7 Bev Purkis           5     -44
  8 Margaret Berliner    4     519
  9 Denise Smith         4      87
 10 Edith Lowbeer        4     -20
 11 Greg Pinchbeck       3      14
 12 Therese Newman       3     -38
 13 Janet Chambers       3    -113
 14 Daphne Bezuidenhout  3    -317
 15 Alan Gauci           3    -324
 16 Veena Mohe           2    -293
 17 Ann Fiddler          2    -327
 18 Sue Tuckett          2    -347
HIGH GAME: Gordon Meggs      509
HIGH WORD: Janet Chambers        104

 Results after game  8

Rank Player            Wins     Mar
  1 Sharon Sorensen      7     342
  2 Greg Nicol           6     216
  3 Teresa Traynor       5     217
  4 Claire Dove          5     195
  5 Chris Phillips       5     118
  6 Basil Sands          5     100
  7 Pearl Gillott        5     -96
  8 Yvonne Edwards       4     285
  9 Jacquelin Hochmuth   4     191
 10 Maree Heynen         4     177
 11 Krystyna Batten      4     111
 12 B Bye                4       0
 12 A Bye                4       0
 14 Silvana Newman       4     -23
 15 Tony Searles         3     -60
 16 Margaret Ackman      3     -61
 17 Maria Kaye           3    -266
 18 Marlene Nicoletti    2    -468
 19 Vanessa Chan         1.5  -468
 20 Diana Field          1.5  -510
HIGH GAME: Jacquelin Hochmuth  469
HIGH WORD: Jacquelin Hochmuth     80

Stats for Tournament : BALMAIN

| state     Name           | National  | State   |   Wins    | Rating Points |
|                          | Old  New  | Old New | Exp  Act  | Old Change New|
+Section: *MASTERS                     +         +           +               +
| NSW Joanne Craig         |   19   12 |   7   6 |  4.6  7.0 | 1735 +53 1788 |
| NSW Joan Rosenthal       |   21   15 |   8   7 |  4.3  6.0 | 1727 +34 1761 |
| NSW John Holgate         |    8    5 |   5   2 |  5.3  6.0 | 1824 +13 1837 |
| NSW Bob Jackman          |    4    6 |   2   3 |  5.7  5.0 | 1842 -11 1831 |
| NSW Chris May            |   16   23 |   6   8 |  5.3  4.0 | 1742 -25 1717 |
| NSW Rod Talbot           |    6    9 |   3   4 |  5.8  4.0 | 1835 -29 1806 |
| NSW Esther Perrins       |    7   11 |   4   5 |  5.6  4.0 | 1829 -25 1804 |
| NSW Peter Shaw           |   66   57 |  17  14 |  2.5  4.0 | 1542 +31 1573 |
| NSW Ivor Zetler          |   65   62 |  16  16 |  3.1  4.0 | 1546 +17 1563 |
| NSW Alison Pollard       |  100   84 |  25  21 |  2.6  4.0 | 1489 +27 1516 |
| NSW Tony Hunt            |   85   72 |  20  20 |  2.9  4.0 | 1513 +22 1535 |
| NSW Hanne Marks          |   86   69 |  21  18 |  2.6  4.0 | 1509 +29 1538 |
| NSW Penny Wells          |  105   94 |  28  23 |  3.0  4.0 | 1477 +20 1497 |
| NSW Jean McGiffen        |   48   48 |  13  13 |  4.3  4.0 | 1605  -6 1599 |
| NSW John Barker          |   34   39 |   9  10 |  4.3  3.0 | 1657 -26 1631 |
| NSW Sue Gergelifi        |   90  105 |  22  28 |  3.5  2.0 | 1505 -29 1476 |
| NSW Jan Serisier         |  106  125 |  29  35 |  3.3  2.0 | 1475 -27 1448 |
| NSW Norma Tracey         |   77  103 |  19  26 |  3.4  1.0 | 1528 -47 1481 |
+Section: *ADVANCED                    +         +           +               +
| NSW Moana Nepia          |  122  111 |  33  29 |  5.4  6.0 | 1451 +14 1465 |
| NSW Audrey Newman        |  133  123 |  36  34 |  5.2  6.0 | 1432 +17 1449 |
| NSW Betty Foreman        |  168  152 |  46  42 |  5.0  6.0 | 1383 +21 1404 |
| NSW Jenny Templeton      |  208  168 |  55  47 |  3.9  6.0 | 1343 +42 1385 |
| NSW Jean Noonan          |  185  178 |  50  49 |  4.6  5.0 | 1361  +9 1370 |
| NSW Ian Close            |  237  224 |  58  57 |  4.1  5.0 | 1306 +19 1325 |
| NSW Donna MacDonald      |  287  255 |  71  64 |  2.6  5.0 | 1226 +53 1279 |
| NSW Betty Coleman        |  175  182 |  49  50 |  4.4  4.0 | 1373  -7 1366 |
| NSW Pat Schuberg         |  170  190 |  47  53 |  5.0  4.0 | 1379 -19 1360 |
| NSW Victor Tung          |  255  249 |  65  61 |  3.5  4.0 | 1283  +9 1292 |
| NSW Judy Hay             |  251  243 |  63  60 |  3.6  4.0 | 1290  +9 1299 |
| NSW Judy McGuinness      |  275  270 |  69  68 |  3.5  4.0 | 1249 +11 1260 |
| NSW Elizabeth Ho         |  241  256 |  60  65 |  4.2  3.0 | 1303 -25 1278 |
| NSW Ram Mohe             |  252  254 |  64  63 |  3.5  3.0 | 1289 -10 1279 |
| NSW Liz Jackman          |  289  289 |  73  73 |  2.9  3.0 | 1222  +1 1223 |
| NSW Cheryl Michler       |  210  230 |  57  58 |  4.3  3.0 | 1342 -25 1317 |
| NSW Raya Wilkinson       |  267  274 |  68  69 |  3.6  3.0 | 1265 -13 1252 |
| NSW Gary Pollard         |  242  266 |  61  67 |  3.9  2.0 | 1302 -39 1263 |
| NSW Richard Birch        |  288  304 |  72  79 |  3.1  2.0 | 1223 -21 1202 |
| NSW Margaret Andrews     |  262  280 |  67  71 |  3.7  2.0 | 1274 -34 1240 |
+Section: *INTERMEDIATE                +         +           +               +
| NSW Jean Balmer          |  310  276 |  80  70 |  4.5  7.0 | 1194 +57 1251 |
| NSW Rex Shakespeare      |  317  298 |  83  77 |  4.5  6.0 | 1181 +31 1212 |
| NSW Colleen Howie        |  315  299 |  82  78 |  4.8  6.0 | 1183 +25 1208 |
| NSW Gordon Meggs         |  322  317 |  84  82 |  4.8  5.0 | 1173  +4 1177 |
| NSW Peggy Womersley      |  454  415 | 109 102 |  2.9  5.0 | 1011 +43 1054 |
| NSW Nonie English        |  332  318 |  86  83 |  4.3  5.0 | 1161 +15 1176 |
| NSW Bev Purkis           |  432  403 | 103  98 |  3.2  5.0 | 1039 +35 1074 |
| NSW Margaret Berliner    |  311  325 |  81  84 |  5.1  4.0 | 1192 -22 1170 |
| NSW Denise Smith         |  297  307 |  77  80 |  4.9  4.0 | 1216 -17 1199 |
| NSW Edith Lowbeer        |  346  350 |  91  91 |  4.2  4.0 | 1141  -5 1136 |
| NSW Therese Newman       |  299  330 |  78  85 |  5.6  3.0 | 1212 -49 1163 |
| NSW Daphne Bezuidenhout  |  467  471 | 113 113 |  3.4  3.0 |  998  -8  990 |
| NSW Alan Gauci           |  476  476 | 115 115 |  3.0  3.0 |  984      984 |
| NSW Greg Pinchbeck       |  466  457 | 112 111 |  2.7  3.0 |  999  +9 1008 |
| NSW Janet Chambers       |  481  485 | 117 117 |  3.2  3.0 |  978  -4  974 |
| NSW Ann Fiddler          |  323  370 |  85  95 |  5.3  2.0 | 1173 -66 1107 |
| NSW Sue Tuckett          |  497  512 | 119 120 |  2.8  2.0 |  965 -16  949 |
| NSW Veena Mohe           |  514  528 | 120 127 |  2.8  2.0 |  944 -16  928 |
+Section: *RECREATION                  +         +           +               +
| NSW Sharon Sorensen      |  523  501 | 125 119 |  5.6  7.0 |  933 +29  962 |
| NSW Greg Nicol           |  591  560 | 144 135 |  5.1  6.0 |  877 +19  896 |
| NSW Claire Dove          |  637  628 | 158 153 |  4.4  5.0 |  828 +11  839 |
| NSW Teresa Traynor       |  852  788 | 219 202 |  3.0  5.0 |  674 +41  715 |
| NSW Basil Sands          |  638  638 | 159 159 |  5.0  5.0 |  828      828 |
| NSW Chris Phillips       |  747  717 | 192 182 |  3.8  5.0 |  744 +24  768 |
| NSW Pearl Gillott        |  725  702 | 183 179 |  4.3  5.0 |  763 +15  778 |
| NSW Yvonne Edwards       |  738  737 | 188 189 |  3.9  4.0 |  749  +2  751 |
| NSW Krystyna Batten      |  582  605 | 139 148 |  5.2  4.0 |  884 -24  860 |
| NSW Jacquelin Hochmuth   |  598  637 | 148 158 |  5.9  4.0 |  868 -38  830 |
| NSW Maree Heynen         |  870  865 | 225 223 |  3.8  4.0 |  656  +4  660 |
| NSW Silvana Newman       |  816  817 | 208 209 |  3.9  4.0 |  695  +1  696 |
| NSW Tony Searles         | 1025 1005 | 276 268 |  2.6  3.0 |  543 +11  554 |
| NSW Margaret Ackman      |  832  862 | 214 221 |  4.1  3.0 |  684 -22  662 |
| NSW Maria Kaye           |  993 1002 | 266 267 |  3.4  3.0 |  564  -7  557 |
| NSW Marlene Nicoletti    |  995 1036 | 267 279 |  3.0  2.0 |  564 -31  533 |
| NSW Diana Field          | 1066 1191 | 293 339 |  2.7  1.5 |  512 -24  488 |
|*NSW Vanessa Chan         |    0 1137 |   0 320 |  2.4  1.5 |  500      500 |