Hills Open - 27th August 2000

Report from Alan Gauci - Organiser
70 players turned up at the Baulkham Hills Community Centre on Sunday 27 August to contest the 2000 Hills Open Scrabble Tournament which is now in its third year and gaining in popularity. Thanks to all helpers, the tournament started on time and was officially opened by our special guest Mr Ross Baker, Chairman of the Baulkha Hills Shire's Orange Blossom Festival Board of Management. Mr Baker was impressed to see such a big crowd at this official Festival event and after his opening speech, whereby he commended the Club's initiative concerning School Scrabble, he offered to come back at 5pm to present the prizes.

One visitor each from Tasmania, Canberra and the UK were amongst our playing guests. This Open Tournament provided the players with much excitement as many were watching different players changing places after each game at Table One, where the Champ would be found at the end of game 7. Feedback from the players present reveals that the Tournament's format is fair & exciting.

The Club's commitee in conjunction with our Local Council aims to continue to enhance the prestige of the "The Hills Open"from year to year. We wish to thank the Tournament Director, Mr Fred Reynolds for an excellent job he did this year - (as always), and for keeping us up to date with Sydney's Grand Final results. We thank all of our visitors and assure them that we enjoyed their company and look forward to having them again at our next tournament -"Kick off 2001" next January. Finally we congratulate Australian WSC representative, Balmain member & Scrabble Tutor- Joan Rosenthal for becoming the "2000 Hills Open Champion". Joan was presented with a cash prize of $300 and a beautiful personal Champion Trophy.

Other cash prizes went as follows:
2nd. - Bob Jackman
3rd - Rod Talbot
Best player rated - 1201 to 1500 - Judy Hay
Best payer rated - 901 to 1200 - Sunny Wright
Best Player rated - 601 to 900 - Rosalie Tobin
Best player rated - 0 to 600 - Alison Maynard
Best New Player Award - Alison Maynard (to qualify one must be in first, second or third tmt)
Best rating gain Award- Alison Maynard - 100 points.
Highest Game Score Award - Joanne Craig - 584
Highest Word Award - Tony Hunt for (drifters 158)
Last placed Prize to - Helen Snedden
The Encouragement Award went to Josie Burns of Blacktown.

Results after game  7

Rank Player            Wins     Mar
  1  Joan Rosenthal       6     972
  2  Bob Jackman          6     813
  3  Jean McGiffen        6     360
  4  Rod Talbot           6     338
  5  Paul Cleary          5     645
  6  John Spaan           5     486
  7  John Barker          5     369
  8  Betty Coleman        5     255
  9  Sunny Wright         5     215
 10  Ram Mohe             5     211
 11  Joanne Craig         5     206
 12  Judy Hay             5     188
 13  Betty Foreman        5     120
 14  Alan Gauci           5      88
 15  Pat Schuberg         5      31
 16  Rosalie Tobin        5     -98
 17  Audrey Newman        4     233
 18  Gordon Meggs         4     232
 19  Margaret Andrews     4     194
 20  Louise Kobler        4     157
 21  Richard Birch        4     136
 22  Jan Serisier         4     131
 23  Roslynn Parnell      4     104
 24  Ivor Zetler          4      80
 25  Jenny Templeton      4      76
 26  Norma Tracey         4      66
 27  Bev Purkis           4      54
 28  Ted Roberts          4       6
 29  Siva Sivapalasundram 4       2
 30  Raya Wilkinson       4     -34
 31  Rex Shakespeare      4     -35
 32  Fay Van Oyen         4    -111
 33  Alison Maynard       4    -143
 34  Wendy Norton         4    -169
 35  Greg Kiem            4    -188
 36  Sam Greenberg        4    -214
 37  Tony Hunt            3     245
 38  Nanette Reynolds     3      67
 39  Donna Macdonald      3      46
 40  June Stephenson      3      14
 41  George Khamis        3       7
 42  Victor Tung          3      -3
 43  Brian Horsley        3     -54
 44  Colleen Howie        3     -61
 45  Sue Tuckett          3     -72
 46  Eleanor Carlisle     3     -80
 47  Christine Speight    3     -95
 48  Diana Hilly          3     -97
 49  Pam Bennett          3    -110
 50  Greg Nicol           3    -114
 51  Arie Holla           3    -162
 52  Prashan Karunaratne  3    -230
 53  Jan Tomlin           3    -372
 54  Win Hendriksen       3    -436
 55  Pearl Gillot         2      -1
 56  Claire Dove          2    -105
 57  Jean Balmer          2    -113
 58  Elma Awde            2    -131
 59  Janet Chambers       2    -172
 60  Krystyna Batten      2    -194
 61  Rose Pajeska         2    -212
 62  Therese Newman       2    -265
 63  Anne Henderson       2    -320
 64  Josie Burns          2    -327
 65  Ann Mortel           2    -377
 66  Vincent Mui          2    -439
 67  Ann Gash             1    -159
 68  Neera D'Souza        1    -219
 69  Meryl Pickering      1    -319
 70  Helen Snedden        0    -916
HIGH GAME: Joanne Craig      584
HIGH WORD: Tony Hunt         158

Stats for Tournament : 2000 HILLS OPEN

| state     Name           | National  | State   |   Wins    | Rating Points |
|                          | Old  New  | Old New | Exp  Act  | Old Change New|
+Section: *OPEN                        +         +           +               +
| NSW Joan Rosenthal       |   21   18 |   7   7 |  5.4  6.0 | 1739 +11 1750 |
| NSW Bob Jackman          |   15   12 |   5   5 |  5.7  6.0 | 1768  +6 1774 |
| NSW Rod Talbot           |   17   16 |   6   6 |  5.7  6.0 | 1757  +6 1763 |
| NSW Jean McGiffen        |   29   24 |   8   8 |  5.0  6.0 | 1677 +21 1698 |
| NSW Paul Cleary          |    3    4 |   1   1 |  6.3  5.0 | 1896 -19 1877 |
| NSW Joanne Craig         |   50   47 |  15  14 |  4.7  5.0 | 1615  +6 1621 |
| NSW John Barker          |   43   43 |  12  12 |  5.3  5.0 | 1638  -7 1631 |
| NSW John Spaan :act      |  108  108 |  26  26 |  5.0  5.0 | 1501     1501 |
| NSW Pat Schuberg         |  340  299 |  83  75 |  2.5  5.0 | 1117 +59 1176 |
| NSW Betty Coleman        |  210  202 |  55  53 |  4.3  5.0 | 1354 +14 1368 |
| NSW Judy Hay             |  232  227 |  58  57 |  3.9  5.0 | 1303 +24 1327 |
| NSW Betty Foreman        |  136  117 |  38  30 |  4.0  5.0 | 1461 +20 1481 |
| NSW Sunny Wright         |  442  387 | 102  94 |  2.1  5.0 |  981 +75 1056 |
| NSW Alan Gauci           |  505  475 | 124 114 |  3.6  5.0 |  914 +29  943 |
| NSW Ram Mohe             |  424  363 | 101  86 |  1.7  5.0 | 1007 +86 1093 |
| NSW Rosalie Tobin        |  755  684 | 190 170 |  3.2  5.0 |  669 +69  738 |
| NSW Audrey Newman        |  126  130 |  34  35 |  4.4  4.0 | 1476  -7 1469 |
| NSW Jenny Templeton      |  250  240 |  63  61 |  3.4  4.0 | 1276 +13 1289 |
| NSW Gordon Meggs         |  275  277 |  71  71 |  4.5  4.0 | 1221  -9 1212 |
| NSW Louise Kobler        |  113  119 |  28  31 |  4.4  4.0 | 1490  -9 1481 |
| NSW Jan Serisier         |  115  128 |  30  34 |  4.6  4.0 | 1486 -12 1474 |
| NSW Richard Birch        |  246  252 |  62  63 |  4.4  4.0 | 1277  -9 1268 |
| NSW Siva Sivapalasundram |  180  203 |  50  54 |  5.6  4.0 | 1397 -30 1367 |
| NSW Ivor Zetler          |   81  101 |  21  25 |  5.8  4.0 | 1546 -33 1513 |
| NSW Norma Tracey         |  119  137 |  32  38 |  5.3  4.0 | 1481 -23 1458 |
| NSW Rex Shakespeare      |  687  673 | 170 167 |  3.5  4.0 |  735 +13  748 |
| NSW Margaret Andrews     |  329  332 |  81  82 |  4.2  4.0 | 1127  -1 1126 |
| NSW Bev Purkis           |  495  468 | 119 112 |  2.6  4.0 |  921 +29  950 |
| NSW Raya Wilkinson       |  265  264 |  67  67 |  4.2  4.0 | 1244     1244 |
| NSW Roslynn Parnell      |  623  586 | 155 144 |  2.5  4.0 |  801 +30  831 |
| NSW Wendy Norton         |  416  421 |  97  99 |  4.1  4.0 | 1019  -4 1015 |
| NSW Faye Van Oyen        |  406  411 |  94  97 |  4.2  4.0 | 1028  -3 1025 |
| NSW Ted Roberts          |  218  230 |  56  58 |  5.2  4.0 | 1346 -24 1322 |
| NSW Sam Greenberg        |  178  187 |  49  49 |  4.5  4.0 | 1399  -8 1391 |
| NSW Alison Maynard       |  869  777 | 221 199 |  1.5  4.0 |  552 +100  652 |
| NSW Greg Kiem            |  774  727 | 196 183 |  2.5  4.0 |  651 +50  701 |
| NSW Nanette Reynolds     |  241  249 |  61  62 |  3.7  3.0 | 1288 -13 1275 |
| NSW Tony Hunt            |  446  438 | 103 102 |  2.5  3.0 |  976 +10  986 |
| NSW Victor Tung          |  520  535 | 129 132 |  3.5  3.0 |  900 -14  886 |
| NSW Donna MacDonald      |  422  423 |  99 100 |  2.8  3.0 | 1009  +4 1013 |
| QLD Brian Horsley        |  587  581 |  78  78 |  2.9  3.0 |  831  +2  833 |
| NSW Eleanor Carlisle     |  673  672 | 167 166 |  2.9  3.0 |  748  +2  750 |
| NSW Colleen Howie        |  361  372 |  86  90 |  3.8  3.0 | 1094 -16 1078 |
| NSW George Khamis        |  583  602 | 142 149 |  3.5  3.0 |  832 -10  822 |
| NSW Pam Bennett          |  729  719 | 183 182 |  2.5  3.0 |  699 +10  709 |
| NSW June Stephenson      |  289  308 |  74  77 |  4.7  3.0 | 1191 -33 1158 |
| NSW Diana Hilly          |  795  771 | 204 196 |  1.8  3.0 |  632 +24  656 |
|*NSW Prashan Karunaratne  |    0  757 |   0 192 |  3.0  3.0 |  668      668 |
| NSW Jan Tomlin           |  688  688 | 171 171 |  3.0  3.0 |  735      735 |
| NSW Christine Speight    |  897  871 | 231 224 |  1.8  3.0 |  522 +36  558 |
| NSW Sue Tuckett          |  615  599 | 151 147 |  2.2  3.0 |  808 +17  825 |
| NSW Greg Nicol           |  479  487 | 113 117 |  3.6  3.0 |  942 -13  929 |
| NSW Aarie Holla          |  914  894 | 237 233 |  2.1  3.0 |  500 +27  527 |
| NSW Win Hendriksen       |  895  873 | 230 225 |  1.6  3.0 |  524 +27  551 |
| NSW Pearl Gillott        |  712  740 | 180 186 |  3.3  2.0 |  711 -25  686 |
| TAS Elma Awde            |  252  279 |  23  26 |  5.0  2.0 | 1271 -59 1212 |
| NSW Jean Balmer          |  364  386 |  87  93 |  3.7  2.0 | 1092 -34 1058 |
| NSW Ann Mortel           |  756  770 | 191 195 |  2.4  2.0 |  669 -11  658 |
| NSW Therese Newman       |  725  705 | 182 178 |  1.5  2.0 |  703 +15  718 |
| NSW Janet Chambers       |  421  447 |  98 104 |  4.0  2.0 | 1014 -40  974 |
| NSW Claire Dove          |  645  645 | 158 158 |  2.0  2.0 |  782      782 |
| NSW Anne Henderson       |  669  701 | 165 176 |  3.8  2.0 |  757 -37  720 |
| NSW Krystyna Batten      |  713  735 | 181 185 |  3.0  2.0 |  711 -19  692 |
|*NSW Rose Pajeska         |    0  917 |   0 240 |  2.1  2.0 |  500      500 |
|*NSW Vincent Mui          |    0  858 |   0 220 |  2.0  2.0 |  573      573 |
| NSW Josie Burns          |  977  980 | 254 257 |  1.8  2.0 |  427  +7  434 |
| NSW Ann Gash             |  898  910 | 232 237 |  1.6  1.0 |  514 -11  503 |
| NSW Neera D'Souza        |  873  905 | 222 235 |  2.3  1.0 |  548 -40  508 |
|*NSW Meryl Pickering      |    0  987 |   0 260 |  2.4  1.0 |  500 -91  409 |
|*NSW Helen Snedden        |    0 1003 |   0 268 |  2.5  0.3 |  500 -133  367 |